In effetti, sempre causa caldo, a casa si cucina poco, anzi per nulla. Magari si sistemano cose fredde nei piatti. Di pasta neanche a parlarne...insomma sono in sciopero contro la calura!
La mia dolce metà reclamava un bel piatto di pasta e così ho preparato dei sedanini con una salsa di peperoni e pomodori.
English Version:Last week has been a nightmare for me! I've never slept because of the incredibly hot weather. 2 day sago I had the chance to go out very early in the morning so I could go to the open air market. Obviously I'm always attracted by the stands of fruit andvegetables. I found very nice peppers like the plastic ones that I had as toys when I was a child. I used to play with it and I always was the foodshop owner!! Back home I didn't know what to cook with these peppers, I have to confess that I'm not cooking so much and I' m not eating that much. It has been ages since I cooked a tasty pasta.....My boyfriend was starving...so ...I cooked pasta!!
Pasta with 3 Peppers Sauce
Ingredients for 2 servings
3 peppers (red, yellow and green), 1 clove of garlic, extravirgin olive oil, 1 can of tomato cubes sauce, salt and 200 gr of sedanini (pasta)
I cutted the peppers in squared pieces and I cooked all in a pot with a talblespoon of oil and the garlic clove at low flame for 5 minutes. Then I put inside a glass of warm water and 3 pinches of salt and I continued to cook gor 30 minutes. I added the tomato cubes sauce, another pinch of salt and I let to cook for 15 minutes more. Meanwhile I prepared the pasta that I finally dressed with the 3 Peppers sauce. I must confess... it was really delicious!
5 commenti:
Il mattino ha l'oro in bocca!!! La prossima volta chiamami, che anch'io cado giù dal letto alle 6.20 in punto, cosí a comprare queste buone cose al mercato ci andiamo insieme! (per le 8 arrivo!)
Immagino la faccia della tua dolce metà al rientro, accolto da un profumino invitante...Bravissima! :)
Ciao ragazze! in effetti la pasta eraproprio buona:un profumo di peperoni che non sentivo da molto tempo!
ciao! sono tornata:)
e vedo che nel frattempo hai cucinato cose buone GNAM. Come stai? Se puoi mi trovi anche su msn.Baci
LOL! Poor boyfriend, but I don't blame you for not cooking in this hot weather. Thankfully, the weather is better now!
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