This recipe is not a typical summer dish, but I think it's very tasty.
It reminds when I was a child and my favourite main course was risotto allo zafferano.
A friend of my parents, Nives, used to prepare this combination of rice and meat in winter, when on sunday evenings the adults met to play cards. These evenings were a fun for all the children, we were all girls and we spent all the time changing dresses and playing as princesses!
Anyway... it was long time ago!!
Unfortunately I don't know how to say ossobuco inEnglish!
Ingredients for 4
400 gr of rice (Carnaroli)
1 lt. beef broth
1/2 onion
60 gr of butter
2 tablespoon of oil
Saffron threads
1/2 glass of white wine
100 of grated Parmigiano cheese
200 gr of flour
4 ossibuchi
Cover 4 ossibuchi with flour, melt the butter with the chopped onion and cook at high temperature both sides of ossibuchi, then low the flame and continue to cook for 30 minutes with the white wine.
In the same time preparethe risotto.
Put two tablespoon of extravirgin olive oil in a pan with the rice and toast. Then add the beef broth and the saffron threads and cook melting slowly with a wood spoon.
Add butter and grated Parmigiano cheese.
Serve with ossibuchi.
P.S. This recipe is for "From My Rasoi" promoted by Paz,unfortunately I continue to have difficulties in downloading images!!
8 commenti:
Ossobuco in english would be ossobuco. There is no translation for it, same word in french too.
Never tried it, always thought it was something yucky, but reading the recipe made me change my mind. Thanks :)
Thank you for your help, Cindy!
Adoro gli ossobuchi... specialmente in umido come li fa mia mamma, anche la tua ricetta però mi pare buonissima...
Ciao!sono contenta che ti piaccia!Misto arrabbiando molto perchèho tante foto da postare, ma non ci riesco! Tu sai suggerirmi qualcosa?Un bacio e buon weekend!
questo me lo devi proprio far assaggiare non credo di saper cucinare gli ossibuchi SLURP;P
Purtroppo anch'io oggi ho lo stesso problema... non riesco a postare neanche una foto... che nervi!
Non so proprio cosa fare...
Francesca: in realtà sono facili da cucinare, ci vuole un po'di pazienza!
Paz: I'll try to share with you also the photos!Baci
Un grande classico!!!
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