Con Affetto,
Chiacchiere e golosità da una piccola cucina nel cuore di Roma.
English Corner: Ossibuchi with Onions Boiled in Vinegar
So...Christmas is coming! You can see from the traffic that is increasing day by day.
Actually the shops aren't so full of people. As usual all te people will go in the last days looking for something that doesn't exist!
I'm in trouble: I know exactly what present I want to buy for each person I love but I haven't bought anything yet! I need time!
Anyway...we have to eat so yesterday I made Ossibucchi.
I really like Ossibuchi. For me it's a typical winter dish.
Usually I cook them with peas. This time I wanted to try with Onions.
This is what you need for 4 persons:
4 ossibuchi
1/2 white onion
1 glass of red wine
2 glasses of water
1 tbsp of extravirgin olive oil
salt, pepper
1 kg of fresh onions
1 lt. of vinegar
1 lt. of water
Start with fresh onions: clean them carefully and boil for 30 minutes in vinegar and water.
In a large pan pour a tablespoon of oil and put half sliced onion. Add ossibuchi and brown both sides of ossibuchi.
Pour a glass of wine and two of water and cook for 45 minutes adding salt and pepper.
Finally add also onions and cook all togethere for 5 minutes.
Serve with crisped bruschetta bread.
English Corner:
Pork Steaks Braised in Beer
The nice thing in buying recipe books is that you can read them and...sometimes make the recipes. Yesterday I was checking again "La lingua nel piatto" and I decided to make pork with beer.
Actually for the original recipe you need loin, but with little steaks the result was perfect.
Ingredients for 2
4 pork steaks
extra virgin olive oil, butter
1 sliced onion
1 clove of minced garlic
500 ml of beer
1 leave of laurel
1 tablespoon of flour melted in 2 tablespoons of water
salt, black pepper
Dress both sides of the steaks with salt and pepper.In a large pan pour some oil and add a little cube of butter and cook the steakd for 5 minutes each side, then leave them and store in a plate. Add a sliced onion, a minced garlic clove and brown them. Add beer, flour melted in water, a leave of laurel. Now put again the steaks in tha pan and continue to cook for 1 hour.
Dress every steak with the sauce.
English Corner: Radiatori with Mackerel Sauce.
I could tell you that I've been all day cooking this pasta, that I went to the fishmonger for the best mackerel, that I read 3 cookbooks for this recipe, but ... I work hard every day, sometimes I don't have a single moment to think of myself so...
Saturday morning often is the time for a long shower, for a scrub, for a facial and moisturizing cream with tan effect. Time for relaxing time listening to my favourite music. Then my belly starts to say something: " yuhu! are you there? did you forget me? I'm hungry!". So, let's create something.
Fortunately I had some boxes of mackerel fillets and I made these
Radiatori Pasta with Sauce of Mackerel.
200 gr of Radiatori Garofalo (or similar pasta)
125 gr of mackerel fillets
2 cloves of garlic
1 tablespoon of extravirgin olive oil
2 tablespoons of concentrated tomato
red hot chilli pepper
In a pan pour 1 tablespoon of oil together with 2 cloves of garlic and some red chilli pepper and heat for a couple of minute at a low flame. Add mackerel fillets and a cup of hot water with 2 melted tablespoons of concentrated tomato. Then continue to cook for 20 minutes. In the same time cook the pasta in hot salted water.Put the pasta ina bowl and dress with tha mackerel sauce.
I have to say that was really tasty!
English Corner : Saffron's Stew
Definitely Autumn has come! The air is different, the sky is very clean, the wind is colder amd I'm not sure I'm wearing the right clothes.
It's amazing how I'm changing my tastes: now I want to eat soups, flauvored sauces and my favourite stew. Actually I've never set yet an official recipe. I think now it's the right time!
Saffron's Stew
Ingredients for2/3 servings
650 gr of cubed beefmeat
1 chopped onion
1 sliced carrot
1 sliced celery stalk
2 tablespoons of condensed tomato
1 aubergine
2 courgettes
2 cups of water
1 glass of red wine
salt, black grounded pepper, red chilli pepper
extravirgin olive oil
Heat olive oil with chopped onion, sliced carrot and celery and brown on all sides. Add aubergine and courgettes cutted in little cubes, 1 cup of water with 2 tablespoons of condensed tomato, 1 glass of red wine, 2 cups of hot water. Then reduce heat to simmer. Add salt, black pepper and red chilli pepper. Simmer for 1 hour. If necessary add some hot water to finish the cooking.
La cena è stata accompagnata dalle parole del Professor Vittorio De Bonis, che ci ha raccontato della vita del Bardo, del suo teatro, dei suoi personaggi, e del Falstaff in particolare, con grande maestria.
Davvero una piacevole esperienza.English Corner : A Dinner with Shakespeare
Last thursday we discoverd a really nice restaurant in Rome: "La Dispensa". It's a lovely little restaurant long the Tiber. We had the chance to eat a real Shakespearean dinner with: Taverner's Croutons, Apple Soup, Pudding of Meat and Vegetables, Scallions au Gratin, Pear Cake. You can find these recipes in an italian book called "In taverna con Shakespeare", written by Roberto Carretta. Unfortunately I don't know if there is an english version! We had a different wine for every entree. I reaaly enjoyed a Passito that we drunk with the dessert.
During the dinner Prof. Vittorio De Bonis talked nobly about Shakespeare, his theatre, his works, his characters, particularly Falstaff.
It was really a wonderful night!La Dispensa
Lungotevere de' Mellini, 31
00193 Roma
tel 06/3212633
English Corner :
Cannella's Party: Butter Biscuits
Lately I've been really busy at work so I couldn't post enough!
This week is the Cannella's blog birthday and she decided to host a MEME that is also....a challenge! You can win a wonderful gift box from Spain, where Cannella lives!
so... let's start!
250 gr of flour
220 gr of sugar
125 gr of butter
1 egg
1 coffeespoon of yeast
Melt the butter. On the table put all the ingredients together: flour, sugar, butter, egg and yeast. Knead all until you obtain a thick dough.
Make little hearts with a heart-shaped mould and arrange them in a pan. Put in a preheated oven at 200°C for 10 minutes!!
English Corner :
Actually the other day I woke up saying a little phrase : Broth with Tortellini. I spent my day in the office with meetings, phone calls, schedules and tortellini always in my mind! Now and then I noted down my agenda the ingredients for my recipe because I was sure that nothing useful was in my fridge at home!
I also gave up with the lunch break with my colleagues for a ride to the supermarket.
And then the time to come back home arrived! A quick shower and...Ready to go!
Broth with Tortellini
Ingredients for 2:
250 gr of tortellini
1 carrot
1 potato
1 onion
1 celery
1 tomato
300 gr of beef with bone
I wanted to make tortellini myself, but I think I'm not ready yet for this challenge so I bought packed tortellini.
Then I started to make the broth. I filled a big pot with water, all the vegetables and the meat. I waited until the water boiled and I lowered the flame covering the pot and I waited for 1 hour.
Then I fliterd the broth and arranged the meat and the vegetables in a plate.
I cooled the broth and I filtered again in a linen sheet (this tip comes from my unforgettable grandmother)to eliminate fat.
I added tortellini in the broth and I enjoyed my meal.
Tip: maybe after the second time you filter, the broth could be to cool, so it's better if you warm it again at a low flame for some minutes.
You can also eat the meat and the vegetables dressing with mayonnaise.
C'erano Elfi e Fate , Esalazioni Etiliche e la sua dolcissima moglie, Millefoglie e il suo fidanzato, il simpaticissimo Smeerch, Senza Panna, Il cuore è una frattaglia, Troppo Buono, Conservare in Frigo, e naturalmente l'organizzatrice dell'evento, Cavoletto di Bruxelles. Una abbraccio a tutti e a presto.
English Corner : What's better than the colour and the aroma of fresh fruits and vegetables? I was so lucky to receive these tasty peppers from my father. He had the good idea to cultivate some plants in our garden. The result was really great! I hope he will carry on with this project!
I decided to made a side adding zucchini.
English Corner : My summer trip to Paris has left me with a big curiosity. I've always been a great fan of UK. I love all the things from Britain and, like Britons, I had lack of interest for France. Now all has changed and during an afternoon at Feltrinelli's International I "met" Peter Mayle. He's an English author ( I haven't chenged so much my way of thinking!) that left his carreer in Advertising and decided to live in Provence with his family. Great idea! Who can resist at the amazing landscape of Provence, the lavander perfume and the irresistible recipes? So, he wrote many books about his new life. I've decided to start with "French Lessons": an adventure in France with fork, knife and corkscrew. So you can see him eating frogs and guessing if really they're like chicken or tasting for the first time escargaux, attending a Cheese challenge or improving the way for not getting drunk while tasting wine. A really amazing reading!
English Corner : I've started again my fitness lessons and now...I'm always thinking of chocolate. I know that this behaviour will finish soon, but now I want to make this cake! My favourite cake!
AS I told you before I had some problems with my oven because is a gas oven! It needs to be pampered and checked continously or...I can throw away everything!
So... it's time for Chocolate Fudge Cake
For the Cake
125 gr of butter
225 gr of brown sugar
2 eggs
140 ml of milk
175 gr of flour
baking powder
50 gr of cocoa
For the Filling
2 tablespoons of cocoa
125 gr of butter
150 gr of icing sugar
For the Frosting
200 gr bar of chocolate
2 tablespoons of cocoa
140 ml of double cream
Two 20 cm cake tins.
Ready, Steady....Go!!!!
For the Cake: cream together butter and sugar until the mixture is light. Beat in the eggs and the milk. Add the dry ingredients into the mixture. Divide the mixture eqaully between the tins. Bake at 190°C for 30/35 minutes.
Now the filling: mix the cocoa with 3 tablespoons of boling water, allow to cool. Beat together the butter and the icing sugar until light. beat in the cocoa and then cover one of the cake with all the filling.
For the Frosting melt the chocolate. Make the cocoa into a paste with water (as before) and mix with the chocolate.Slowly wisk the cream into the chocolate until smooth and thickened. Spread the frostingover the cake with a palette knive.
Serve in slices with whipped cream!
English Corner : Time for biscuits, cakes and everything sweet! I wanted to make my favourite muffins with white chocolate and banana. Then I had the idea to make a try so I've started the Cupacake's adventure!
For 12 Cupcakes:
250 gr of Flour "00", 200 gr ofsugar, 150 gr of butter,2 eggs, 200 ml of milk.
For the Pink Icing:
250 gr of sugar, 2 tablespoons of Alchermes, 2/3 tablespoons of water.
In a bowl put the flour, the melted butter and start to mix, then add sugar, 2 eggs and milk. Continue to mix. Prepare the muffin pan with butter and distibute the mixture. Cook in oven at 250°C for 20/25 minutes.
Prepare the icing putting in a bowl sugar, 2 tablespoons of Alchermes and 2 tablespoons of water. Mix until you obtain a thick icing. Spread the icing on each muffin and dress with a sugar flower. Survival Cupcake
Sausages with Lentils
Even if in Rome the weather is still really nice with very warm days, I've started to cook some typical winter dishes. I bought sausages and lentils from Umbria and I prepared this really simple but very tasty recipe!
Serves 2: 4 sausages, 450 gr of lentils, red wine, 1 onion, extravirgin olive oil, ground red pepper, salt
In a pot insert the sausages, half chopped onion and fill with water and a glass of red wine. Cook for 1 hour until the water has evaporated. In another pot pour a tablespoon of oil, add half chopped onion, red chili pepper and cook for 1 minute. Then you can add lentils, 2 glasses of water, 1 glass of red wine, 2 pinches of salt and cook for 45 minutes.
Buon Appetito!
La visita vale la pena, il posto è speciale e l'offerta di opere di Warhol è maggiore di quanto potessi immaginare. Si è voluto presentare un aspetto quasi mai presentato dell'artista, che, sembra, fosse profondamente religioso. Il fratello ha raccontato che si era persino fatto costruire un altare a casa sua. I quadri presenti sono d'impatto, bello Marlon Brando su uno sfondo oro, quasi fosse una divinità. Ho ammirato molto la rielaborazione della Venere di Botticelli, i quadri camouflage ed una davvero insolita rielaborazione dell' Ultima Cena. Usciti dalla mostra ci siamo incamminati verso Campo de' Fiori ancora piena di turisti. Era ora di merenda e allora abbiamodeviato a Piazza del Paradiso dove c'è la mia pasticceria inglese favorita: Josephine's Bakery. Qui potete trovare una grande varietà di specialità dolciarie inglesi (a volte c'è anche il Banoffee Pie!) e potete scegliere delle fantasiose torte. Io mi sono buttata sul Chocolate Fudge Cake e sui Cupcakes....mmhhhh! che bontà!
Per finire il pomeriggio in bellezza sosta alla Feltrinelli di Torre Argentina. Quanti libri avrei voluto comprare.... c'era un bellissimo volume sulla Cucina Ebraica...che piatti, che foto! Peccato che ce ne fosse una sola copia e fosse nelle mani di un'altra cliente. Mi sono appostata pensando "tanto lo lascerà! è solo incuriosita!"... e invece, l'ha preso e si è diretta verso la cassa! Sob! Così sono andata su tutto atro genere! Ero incuriosita da una copertina che vedevo da un po' nei negozi "Le Francesi Non Ingrassano" - I segreti per abbinare una vita sottile ai piaceri della vita - e, in effetti, di cicciottelle a Parigi non ricordo di averne viste! Ho pensato un po' e poi l'ho comprato. La scrittrice è Mireille Guiliano, presidentessa della Veuve Cliquot (beata lei!). Difficile con un lavoro come il suo (pranza e cena fuori 300 giorni all'anno) restare in forma, ma tutto sta a rispettare le proprie tradizioni. Mi piace l'introduzione all'edizione italiana in cui lei confessa di aver esitato molto a pubblicare il libro da noi. Dice che in fondo siamo "fratelli" in cucina e le sembra stupido darci consigli. Il suo libro è più diretto ad un pubblico americano.
Vi dirò, la lettura è piacevole. Il suo approccio è al gusto, all'assaporare le vivande con consapevolezza, usando tutti i sensi.. Pasti piccoli ma completi, 1 bicchiere di vino , affidarsi alla stagionalità nello scegliere frutta e verdura. Una lettura leggera e piacevole. Un libro ricco di aneddoti e, inaspettatamente, tante gustose ricette (Pollo allo Champagne per citarne una!). Ottimi consigli, se ci fosse un po' più pasta sarebbe un regime alimentare perfetto.
...poi....siamo tornati a casa!
English Corner : Saturday in Rome... A Lunch, An Exhibition, A Sweet and... A Book! Sunday was a beautiful sunny day so we decided to go for a walk in the Centre of Rome. We went for dinner to "Osteria della Frezza" in Piazza Augusto Imperatore and I ate Fried Fiori di Zucca with Ricotta and Anchovies and Rigatoni all'Amatriciana. Delicious!After the lunch we payed a visit to the Andy Warhol's exhibition in Chiostro del Bramante. Very nice show with many pictures especially dedicated to the unexpected religious side of Warhol. I appreciated the one of Marlon Brando in golden (as a god!) and The Ultima Cena. Then... it was time for a snack so we wento to Piazza del Paradiso (near Campo de' Fiori) where is my favourite English Patisserie: Josephine's Bakery. I chose a slice of Chocolate Fudge Cake and a Cupcake. Unfortunately I wasn't so lucky to find Banoffe Pie!....next time! In the way for home we stopped at Feltrinelli Bookstore. Oh God...I wanted to buy everything! I had a kind of challenge with another costumer: she had "my" book about Jewish Recipes... I waited but finally she went to the cash and the challenge was over... So, I bought a nice book called "French Women Don't Get Fat", written by Mireille Guiliano. Good reading, beutiful stories, a slow approach to the food and, finally, delicious recipes (Chicken with Champagne, for example). Suddenly it was time to go back home....really a nice saturday!